Shiraj Physio and Performance Lab


More People Like You who have benefitted from working with SHIRAJ PHYSIO AND PERFORMANCE

Below are just a few of the great testimonials from our amazing clients. Their feedback really highlights how much they appreciate our work and dedication. We’re thrilled to share their positive experiences with you, and we hope it gives you a sense of the commitment we bring to every project. Take a look and see why our clients love working with us!

here are some stories from clients we've helped


Writer/Producer, Slope Shredder

“I had torn 5 of my 6 hamstring muscles while wake surfing. Exercise was my favorite form of stress relief- from hikes to bike-rides to training- and Skiing is my FAVORITE activity. Dr. Shiraj was able to to design a program unique to me and my complicated injury. I am now hiking, cycling, and just went skiing! all without pain, and most importantly, with CONFIDENCE! Needless to say, I am wildly grateful to Dr. Shiraj.”


Syracuse Grad, Lifetime Hooper

“After tearing my ACL and meniscus, I was able to fully recover in a set timetable that was given to me as well as gaining a valuable role model in my fitness goals. I am eternally grateful for Shiraj for not only the rehab and help with my injury but the advice and experience he has given me. I highly highly recommend.”


Managing Director, Running Enthusiast

“When I met Shiraj, I was battling a horrible case of quad tendinitis in BOTH knees. Most runs would end in tears. With consistent training, I became faster than ever before, breaking my 1 mile PR without pain! At 43 years old, I’m more fit than I have ever been and most importantly, physical capable of anything that comes my way. I’m so thankful for having met Dr. Shiraj. I now count on him as one of my people who will keep me active for many years to come.”

More People Like You who have benefitted from working with SHIRAJ PHYSIO AND PERFORMANCE

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