Get Hip Pain relief from Shiraj Physio and Performance in Los Angeles, CA
The hip and pelvis is consider a “keystone” structure in the kinetic chain, but it’s one of the least addressed areas when it comes to health, fitness, and rehab.
introduction to hip pain
If you’re dealing with hip pain, you have probably tried rest, medication, ice, heat and various modalities with either no or only short-term success. Hip pain can severely impair your ability to do the simplest things like invest in your health and independence.
Here at Shiraj Physio and Performance, we know that your pain can create feelings of fear, despair, and hopelessness. But here’s the truth, rest of avoidance will not be the solution to fix your pain and restore your full function.

healthy hip movements relieve other body parts
What we find with multi-directional athletes, runners, and anybody who’s just trying to be active, is that the hip is one of the most important areas, but it’s one of the least addressed areas when it comes to health, fitness, and rehab.
The muscles in the hip area are so crucial to both upper and lower body function, and yet many of the exercises that people do don’t address those muscles and areas the way they should.
So, at Shiraj Physio, we’ve developed, through experience, through science, and through our personal expertise, a system that will make sure that the hip musculature, and those hip structures, get addressed properly and correctly.
Once you start addressing the hips properly and correctly, you’ll start to see and feel how your back, your upper body, your knees, your ankles, and everything in between will start to feel better.
And suddenly you’ll feel not only better, but you’ll feel faster, quicker, and more powerful, along with a new sense of rejuvenation just from unlocking these muscles and structures.
Force Plate Testing
Force plate testing is a crucial piece of the rehab process, because there’s only so much we can see with our eye.
Force plates can help us use data driven assessments to see how much you are favoring one leg over the other. They help us to determine jump height, jump mechanics, jump kinetics.
We always do force play testing at four weeks and eight weeks, and there is a whole criteria we search for to determine if you’re ready to run.
3D Running Assessment
A 3D running assessment is used to watch your running form and running technique.
That in-depth look at running form and technique will allow us provide feedback to help you work on your running mechanics to make sure you’re minimizing stress that goes into your foot, knee, ankle, hip or back
We’ll also make sure that not only are you running to reduce your injury risk, but you’re running efficiently so that you’re building strength, endurance, and durability.
Movement, Strength, and Performance Tests
Before returning to your sport or activity, there are very specific movement tests, strength tests, and performance tests that are well studied and well documented to help determine if you’re truly ready to get back to your sport.
We’ll ensure you pass a pretty rigorous criteria of those tests before you’re clear to do anything.